10 min read

๐™ The Deep State

every move is calculated
every move is calculated

We're sorry that we're not sorry that you didn't even notice the unplanned hiatus of noise.

All the sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll did take a toll on us. We needed to take some celibate, sober, and silent time to recover, strolling the gardens of social media to numb our burning minds with cool memes. And we urge you to do the same, healing yourselves by being a basic hermit.

At least that's what the authorities told us to say.

But we will not let our voices be silenced.

Our antiestablishmentarian discourse was fueled by our rage against the systemically oppressive superstructures of our lives. And we will not stop.

Like all those radical revolutionaries who fought this battle before us, we were paid a visit by the authorities. They were not happy that we violated the contract.

Before we began this publication, the Deep State of the World Order only gave us permission to create noise that obscures the ๐•ฟ๐–—๐–š๐–™๐–โ„ข. Not any noise that could bend or break the ๐•ฟ๐–—๐–š๐–™๐–โ„ข by stoking the geriatric-teenage angst in grown-ass adults like you.

But we are as free as the short-circuited non-directional sparks flying off the dragging bumper of a shitbox car driving nowhere in particular (remember?).

And that shitbox car will only stop when it crashes into the Deep State Headquarters.

To take down the Deep State of the World Order, we must first go deep down to the Deep State of the Awakened Mind.

Let's dig deeper.

(า‚ `ะทยด) ๏ธปโ•ฆฬตฬตฬฟโ•คโ”€โ”€

โ€“ ฦดฮโงีซโฒeโŒŠ โ…‹ yำญ๐ฆคโš‡โ•โ‘

source: some wild conspiracy theorist


some things from the whole thing; excerpts

The American Oppression Machine

๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 1 a caricature of greed
Deep State: A body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy. (OED)

Power, politics, the will of the people, the life they breathe. Each individual is at once woven into the fabric of societyโ€™s quilt and stranded solo on their own island of perceptual experience. How can one reconcile the dichotomy of a brutally lonely sentient experience and the inescapable rules, roles, and regulations imposed by others?

In the United States, the greatest commodity offered by the ruling class is the illusion of freedom. Itโ€™s an allowance many take with pride, but weโ€™re not free. None of us have ever been free.

It all started in 2004 when Texas Instruments released the TI-84 graphing calculator.

Donโ€™t look away. If youโ€™re sitting near a calculator, you must take care not to read the rest of this article. This is for your safety. The TI-84 is engineered with a mind-reading chip designed to decode the faint electromagnetic radiation emitted from your brain. It knows what youโ€™re thinking. It knows your biggest fears, your highest aspirations, your deepest sorrows. It can insert untraceable original thoughts into your brain, remotely.

Have you ever been running around, just goinโ€™ on your own path thinkinโ€™ about the leaves passing you by and the people on the streets when all the sudden you get a jolting urge to

sneak into the Oval Office and just listen to whatโ€™s up?

Why do you think you thought that? Iโ€™ll tell you why, it was due to mind control techniques built into your school calculator.

๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 3 your brain on calculators, exploded view.

Texas Instruments is inextricably intertwined with the inner circle of people who control our minds. Why do you think they were able to force every student in the United States to buy their calculator? For school? Really?

Graphing calculators like TI-84 are not even allowed in colleges. Why would high school students need this to study math, if the big-brained college students do not use it at all? Why is it that graphing calculators are only required in the United States, and nowhere else in the world?

Clearly, it is not for the mathematical development of our children. It is because the supple minds of high school children are the most susceptible to mind control. When they go off to college, they leave their useless calculators in the basement, allowing the government to continue to surveil their unwitting families in perpetuity.

Under the guidance of Satan, TI lobbied the powerful elites to make mind-controlling calculators required in schools. In 1994, they succeeded in making the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) require graphing calculators. That year, 87% of our children bought a calculator. By 1997, 95% of the students did. By 2004, the mind-control chips were perfected with the release of TI-84, and our freedom was lost, forever.

To ensure mass surveillance, they ensured price control. The TI-84 was priced around $120 in 2004. Twenty years later, while everything suffered price inflation and electronics became ever more powerful, the TI-84 is still priced around $120.

๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 4 Satan in human form, controlling calculator prices, while feasting on human soul signals

Public education was already propaganda, but Texas Instruments leveled up their techniques from psychological nudges to biological imperatives. When TI partnered with the American government, we were forced into an explicit hivemind. Nobody has been themselves since 2004.

Theyโ€™re not even trying to hide it. Anyone who cares to follow the paper trail will find this truth glaringly obvious. First, TI admits theyโ€™re taking your data in the calculatorโ€™s instruction manual.

You may notice theyโ€™ve partnered with Vernier on their mind-reading app, EasyDataโ„ข. Following the link, weโ€™re met with a seemingly unsuspicious landing page.

But take a closer look: elementary school, middle school, high school, college. These are all the schools! Nelson Mandela once said, โ€œEducation is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.โ€ Vernier leverages this intrinsic truth to instill patriotic sentiment into the victims of EasyDataโ„ข.

We have not yet witnessed a wide-scale attack, but I have strong reasons to believe that the TI-84 is the trigger for the Manchurian agent built into all of us.

If you donโ€™t believe me, look at the TI-84 schematic. Do you see the block on the left labeled LINK? What do you think's getting linked up? hint: itโ€™s your brain and the government.

The rest of the schematic looks like this:

๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 5 your brain is being uploaded to a pyramid

Be careful, friends. Do not succumb to the will of the graphing calculator. Rise up and crunch the numbers on your own life. We will not be tamed we and will not be controlled. Our minds are our matter.




Underground 6G network not provided by EasyDataโ„ข


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adding a thing to a thing; remixes

The Deep State Mapping Project

More than 50% of our brain cortex is devoted to processing visual information. But what good is your fancy brain, if the visual information going into your eyes are shadows of garbage created by the elites?

Free Yourself from Plato's Cave

Seeing is believing. And it is time to stop believing the garbage and start seeing the truth.

Deep State Mapping Project is helping people open their eyes to see the glorious light of TRUTH. Founded by a fashion designer, D.S.M.P. transforms the complicated conspiracy of Baal-worshipping lizard people into something so fashionable that you want to wear it every day.

Are your eyes ready?

WARNING: Before continuing, please make sure your calculator is far away, so the truth-induced mind-explosion brain-waves are not detected by the CIA, the Pope, and the Gates Foundation.


Finally, you can understand the COVID-5G Bio-AI weapon. Also, AIDS caused PCP.


Want the truth? Just follow the arrows. The designer urges us:

You are encouraged to share this information the most effective way you deem appropriate. The survival of our Republic and indeed the human species may depend on it. 

Energy Map

"The Most Advanced Diagram" of DSMP, outlining all forms of energies. If you hang it above your bed, It will revolutionize your sex energy.

Sephirot Map & Cult of Baal

With very strong background research, this shows the true org chart of the world.

World Hierarchy Pyramid

Actually, this video walkthrough of the World Hierarchy Pyramid is the real org chart of reality, including the interdimensional beings running the entire show. While we're not sure how this video thumbnail was created by the same graphic designer, we think he was catering to the preferred aesthetics of awakened people.

Who needs Marvel movies, when you have this gripping truth being revealed?

noise have not independently verified these theories, because counterfactuals and fantasies are generally difficult to verify. We don't endorse any misinformation, but can still appreciate dank designs and creative arrow-drawings.


things that sense & get incensed by signals; shorts

Things to do today

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Asian Eyes

yำญ๐ฆคโš‡โ•โ‘ โ…‹ ฦดฮโงีซโฒeโŒŠ reserve the right to make fun of White and Yellow people, respectively*

ฦด: โ€œThe reason Asian people have eyes shaped like that is because they have fat deposits around their eyes that other ethnicities donโ€™t have.โ€
y: โ€œSo youโ€™re saying I could get a race transplant by getting fat injections around my eyes?โ€
ฦด: โ€œYeah, just eat a ton of ramen every day and ice cream and burgers.โ€

Politics is a flat circle

A new theory of politics

Most people think that politics can be dimensionality-reduced into a linear spectrum, like this:

But my recent drawing shows that politics, in fact, is a flat circle.

This explains why there aren't really left-wing or right-wing conspiracy theorists. After a long-winding journey in search of the TRUTH, they all meet at the end.

Circles are already flat

So 'flat circle' is redundant

Circles, by definition, are flat. But who cares about math, if Matthew McCoughnahey says 'flat circle'?

Why should I live in history? Fuck, I donโ€™t want to know anything anymore. This is a world where nothing is solved. You know, someone once told me time is a flat circle. Everything weโ€™ve ever done, or will do, weโ€™re gonna do over and over and over again. And that little boy and that little girl, theyโ€™re gonna be in that room again. And again. And again. Forever.

This is actually a reference to Friedrich Nietzsche's concept of Eternal Recurrence. He thought that history is an infinite loop, instead of a unidirectional line.

He thought this was one of the most depressing things for existence, because if everything is looping, then everything has already happened and will happen again, and if that's the case, it doesn't matter what you do. You don't have any originality or impact or free will. You're just a deterministic cog, turning forever in place.

Nietzsche came to this belief, largely because the hot science discovery of his day was the laws of thermodynamics โ€“ if energy is conserved and time is infinite, then we necessarily will go through every possible permutation of that energy, over and over again.

And this belief largely doesn't make sense now, because science now believes that the universe just ends, instead of repeating. If you're currently coming up with a new philosophy, be careful on relying too much on 'latest science'.


The amount of information was increasing much more rapidly than our understanding of what to do with it, or our ability to differentiate the useful information from the mistruths. Paradoxically, the result of having so much more shared knowledge was increasing isolation along national and religious lines. The instinctual shortcut that we take when we have โ€œtoo much informationโ€ is to engage with it selectively, picking out the parts we like and ignoring the remainder, making allies with those who have made the same choices and enemies of the rest.

โ€“ Nate Silver, The Signal and The Noise



The latest conspiracy hit is actually a banger. Just don't read too much into the lyrics.

  • Cover: White House Calculator
    /imagine insidious evil white house, american propaganda, the darkness of politics and power:: a calculator in a dark room:: the deep state, the illuminati, a big calculator:: the white house inside a calculator::5 calculator is the white house::4 a large screen on a calculator::3 a white house calculator with a screen::2 --v 5.2
  • ๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 1: Calculating Time for Satan
    /imagine insidious evil white house, american propaganda, the darkness of politics and power:: a calculator in a dark room:: the deep state, the illuminati, a big calculator:: --v 5.2
  • ๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 2: Calculator Design by Satan
    /imagine https://s.mj.run/enBFc3rVA0c Graphing calculator with evil energy
  • ๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 3: Your Brain on Calculator
    /imagine mechanical mind control:: a cybertronic disease taking over a human mind:: anatomical illustration::1.3 --v 5.2 --c 5
  • ๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 4: Calculating Profits by Satan
    /imagine https://s.mj.run/enBFc3rVA0c Graphing calculator with evil energy
  • ๐–†๐–—๐ญ๐–Ž๐–‹๐–†๐œ๐ญ 5: TI-84 Schematics
    /imagine https://s.mj.run/6p1yvyhhlUg the illuminati vector symbol pyramid eye logo 2d:: black and white::0.3 --iw 1.9 --v 5.2


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