ᕳᕲ Natural Things

What is natural?
Something that occurs naturally? In nature?
But nature constantly changes, influenced by things in nature, including humans, which we would call artificial.
So is anything natural? Or is everything natural?
Besides, "All Natural" is not even a regulated term. Only "Organic" is.
But we don't have to stop our inquiry just because of some words.
As Thomas Hobbes wrote in The Leviathan, trying to seek the truth through words can become tricky, as we entangle ourselves in the order of words:
Seeing then that Truth consisteth in the right ordering of names in our affirmations, a man that seeketh precise Truth, had need to remember what every name he uses stands for; and to place it accordingly; or els he will find himselfe entangled in words, as a bird in lime-twiggs; the more he struggles, the more belimed.
Instead, we must look at concrete examples in life to push our understanding.
There are definitely unnatural things, like how you sound on LinkedIn. And definitely natural things, like Taco Tuesdays.
(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
– ƴΐ⍧ի⍲e⌊ ⅋ yӭ𐦤⚇⍕⍑
some things from the whole thing; excerpts
Fuck you LinkedIn You Fuckin' Suck
An accurate criticism
You might ask, why? Well, LinkedIn is fuckin’ stupid; that's reason number one, Exhibit A. See it right here, LinkedIn blows dick.
If this isn’t a satisfactory explanation and you really need more context —
Social media is bullshit because people only use it to present the most glamorized versions of themselves. It fosters a peacock feathered self caricature of digital pomp and circumstance. Most people’s social media is one degree separated from their real selves in this way.
At work, people present another façade, but this one is muted and dry. Having been tempered by formal social expectations, a person's "work personality" obfuscates their real persona in the same way social media does, but in an unspectacular way.
LinkedIn sits firmly between these masquerades. It’s an atrocious combination of celebrity mirrored fantasy of social media with the humanity dampening soul-sucking turn-you-into-a-cog ethos of corporate America. It's a loud and overpowering echo chamber of high voltage mummified content.
Fuck you LinkedIn you fuckin’ suck.
Please add me to your network though
adding a thing to a thing; remixes
The Ethereal Tube of Destiny

Don’t try to catch up with me, I’m sliding sideways through the ethereal tube of destiny
Counting my ways back home in the serpentine tube, I’m sliding all the way to infinity
Dude, this tube is the realest way I’ve ever experienced reality
The realest way I’ve ever seen waves of energy composed symphonically and sonically
Grasping at the walls of the tube, looking into a black hole the size of a pinball
You don’t have to worry, I’ll make sure I get really close before I let go
Probably won’t even be able to see that black hole by time I get close
Might just squeeze through the end and shrink into a sinkhole
It’s just like, a tube, man.
things that sense & get incensed by signals; shorts
The Truth about Taco Tuesday
The reason people have “Taco Tuesday” instead of “Taco Tomorrow” is because in the case of the latter, it never actually happens.
The History of Taco Tuesday
"Taco Tuesday" was trademarked, until recently. Usually, one would assume that an evil Big Taco Corporation that called dibs on such a common phrase, trying to cease-and-desist the small mom-and-pop small taco shops out of existence.
In case of Taco Tuesday, it was actually the reverse. It was Taco John's, a regional chain in Wyoming that owned the trademark since 1989. And it was the big evil gut-busting Taco Bell that tried to cancel this trademark in 2023.
This Evil Small Taco in Wyoming was vicious: “Over the years we’ve certainly asserted our trademark against national companies, restaurants big and small, and even pharmaceutical companies," said Taco John’s marketing executive Billie Jo Waara. Why a pharmaceutical company would use Taco Tuesday, or why anyone would eat a pharmaceutical taco, is unclear.
But the Evil Big Taco Bell sued to cancel this trademark, and the Evil Small Taco relented – freeing all the taco shops around the country to use it for some mediocre deal, for what Taco Bell called "Tuesday is a mediocre day of the week."
Besides the casual trashing of Tuesday (although I can't disagree), this legal battle makes one think: When does a phrase cross the line of unique to ubiquitous? Proprietary to commonplace?
Some things in life do not have a black and white. Its natural essence lies in the gray zone, where an amalgamation of countless subjective views clash into a mushy soup of continuous variables in a complex plane, where the real and the imaginary coexist.
And that's one reason why we set these arbitrary laws to draw the line in the sand somewhere, until we decide to redraw it, as we did with Taco Tuesday.
This saga flips the tired old story of "Big Evil Corp screws with everyone". And with my typical moral stance flipped, I mutter for the first time: Thank you, Taco Bell.

Taco Today
We're going to trademark "Taco Today." It's always happening, no matter the mediocrity of the day you find yourself in. What do you say, Taco Today?
The Etymology of Taco

From Wikipedia:
...This meaning of the Spanish word "taco" is a Mexican innovation, but the word "taco" is used in other contexts to mean "wedge; wad, plug; billiard cue; blowpipe; ramrod; short, stocky person; [or] short, thick piece of wood." The etymological origin of this sense of the word is Germanic and has cognates in other European languages, including the French word tache and the English word "tack".
...According to one etymological theory, the culinary origin of the term "taco" in Mexico can be traced to its employment, among Mexican silver miners, as a term signifying "plug." The miners used explosive charges in plug form, consisting of a paper wrapper and gunpowder filling.
Indigenous origins are also proposed. One possibility is that the word derives from the Nahuatl word tlahco, meaning "half" or "in the middle", in the sense that food would be placed in the middle of a tortilla. Furthermore, dishes analogous to the taco were known to have existed in Pre-Columbian society—for example, the Nahuatl word tlaxcalli (a type of corn tortilla).
Taco. A stocky person with a thick piece of wood, and an explosive plug with gunpowder filling. These are all words reminiscent of what happens when you have too much Taco Bell.
Happiness is capped by your dick size. Take 100% happiness, then multiply it by your dick size percentile, and that’s your max happiness.
How can we mortals find the words to describe eternity when it's something we can only strive to marvel at the feet of? This is MF Doom, this is eternal.
- Cover - An Interesting Discovery
/imagine a group of early humans looking at an ipad in the woods:: primitively clothed people stare in bewilderment at a bright ipad screen in early morning light in the forest --v 6.0 --s 75 --style raw || remix (strong) || early humans discover an ipad --v 6.0 --s 40 --style raw
- 𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖙 1 - We're all in a tube, after all
/imagine <the raw text of The Ethereal Tube of Destiny> --v 6.0
- 𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖙 2 - The Origin of Tacos
/imagine Explosion of tacos by a stocky miner