Finally, a newsletter with no useful information, so you can read without feeling like you're not enough.
...just as with our lives, we didn't know what we wanted to do with it. But we did know what we didn't want: yet another useful content on the web rotting somewhere in a data warehouse, or actually in my inbox full of unread newsletters I eagerly signed up for.
We were interested in everything else. Shit we thought, felt, saw, heard, said, tasted that didn't serve any big, fancy purpose like being smart, wealthy, sexy, and wise.
We wanted it to be the opposite of signal, news, data, information. We wanted it to be where our useless thoughts, hapless feelings, and relentless avoidance of purpose can come to thrive, infest, and actualize.
What kind of content will this bring? Is the antithesis of purposeful writing actually conducive to brilliant insights?
...we currently believe that the answer is a resounding no(ise).
For the full description of the purpose of noise
, please refer to this document.
For an alternative description of the purpose of noise
, please refer to this document.
- Strive to write in human languages
- ▓⁖⁚⁛⁖⁙⁚▓⁛⁖⁘⁙▓⁚⁛⁖▓⁛ ᔫ ▓⁛⁖⁚⁛⁖▓⁛⁖▓
- Never get out of beta
- Always finish your website
- We are a democracy and will make decisions by 50-50 vote
▓ ϔѺ႟ ▓ Ꭿᎍᄐ ▓ វᠡ ▓ ᢷᥝ៷ᚋჁ႐ፚ ▓
this was placed here based on a 50%-50% vote by the two authors of this website
– a sampling of random things from the noise emanating from our internal world, our psyche; excerptsconvolutional_kernels
– kernels of convoluted stuff we have received as inputs from the external world, the interweb; remixpressure_censor
– censor that senses and gets incensed by signals; shorts
For the full definition of the terms in noise
, please refer to this document.
– Added: Principles2023-06-07
– Added: Purpose, Definitions2023-06-14
– Added: Alternative Purpose